Thursday, August 26, 2010

Anti-social with a purpose

The NICU at Stormont is something like a fortress, which is a good thing.  It is so safe and secure that I don't worry one second about Ethan's well-being in that facility.  

But the first thing they do to every visitor to the NICU is take their temperature.  Anybody with a temperature of 99.5 or over is not only kept out, but you have to be fever free for 24 hours before you can enter.  

So you can bet that the Diveley house has become super aware of germs and illness.  We are all stocking up on vitamins, washing our hands constantly, and keeping our distance from groups of people.  Landon and Trent will face a challenge as school starts next week, but we're making a concerted effort to keep things healthy.  It would be absolutely devastating to be unable to see our little Ethan, however we also don't want to cause him any harm by bringing in illness from the outside.

The reason I want to share this information with our friends and family is because you know that we are normally social butterflies.  We enjoy our time at church, inviting friends to our home, going out to eat, etc…  But until Ethan returns home, you may not see as much of us.  It's not because we don't want to see friends and family, but it's simply because we know that so many people care for us and will offer hugs and different forms of support that we're just trying to steer clear of right now.  

So be patient with us as some of our old ways may not be the same right now.  As I've mentioned before, we're planning a heck of a party when Ethan comes home.  We'll return to our normal social ives and this time we'll add the fourth player to our team.  


  1. I think we should start planning the party now! Let's see. Food. Hold Ethan. Food. Play with Trent. Hold Ethan. Open presents. Food. Play with Trent more. Hold Ethan. Listen to Trent read. Hold Ethan. I CAN HARDLY CONTAIN MYSELF!

  2. I think you are being a smart mama bear!!!Hang in there and also know that if you need an ear I am a germ free call away!

  3. No apologies needed, Chicky. The last thing you want is to catch a bug that might keep you away from that baby boy --- even for a few days. We'll party later!
